Sch/Subj |
Index |
Title |
Room |
Day/Time |
Prof. |
790:102:01 |
16518 |
The Study of Politics |
FA219 |
Mon/Wed 2:05:325 |
Rabinowitz |
790:310:Il |
17691 |
Study Abroad Geopolitics of Asia |
BA |
Wolfe |
790:397:01 |
16531 |
PS Internship |
BA |
Hallman |
790:496:01 |
16537 |
Honors Workshop |
BSB 109 |
Tue/Thu 9:35-10:55 |
Knievel |
American Politics and Public Policy |
790:215:01 |
16519 |
American Politics |
ATG205 |
Mon/Wed 12:30-1:50 |
Lambert |
790:323:01 |
16524 |
Legislative Process |
ATG225 |
Tue/Thu 11:10-12:30 |
Knievel |
790:333:01 |
16525 |
U.S. Intelligence Community |
ATG207 |
Mon/Wed 2:05-3:25 |
Massi |
790:356:01 |
16527 |
Women and Politics cross-listed w/G.S. |
BSB 334 |
Mon/Wed 2:05-3:25 |
Dittmar |
790:395:01 |
16530 |
Formulation of American Foreign Policy |
ATG222 |
Tue/Thu 2:00-3:20 |
Boyle |
790:414:01 |
16534 |
The Supreme Court as a Political Institution |
FA227 |
Mon/Wed 9:35-10:55 |
Grasso |
790:426:01 |
16535 |
Civil Liberties |
FA221 |
Tue/Thu 3:35-4:55 |
Knievel |
790:435:40 |
18428 |
Counter Terrorism Strategies |
FA221 |
Mon 6:00-8:50 |
McGovern |
Political Theory and Methodology |
790:218:01 |
16520 |
Digital Politics |
ATG 105 |
Tue/Thu 2:00-3:20 |
Knievel |
790:372:01 |
16529 |
Modem Political Theory |
FA225 |
Tue/Thu 12:30-1:50 |
Grasso |
International Politics |
790:336:01 |
16526 |
Middle Eastern Politics |
ATG222 |
Tues/Thurs 9:35-10:55 |
Boyle |
790:357:91 (Hybrid) |
16528 |
Global Development |
FA221 |
Tues/Thurs 11:10-12:30 |
Donaghy |
ATG – Armitage Hall
FA – Fine Arts
CS – 319 Cooper St
BSB – Business & Science Bldg.
LAW – Law School
CSN- Nursing Building